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Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch好吃的烹饪方法 Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的地道做法和步骤

Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch

Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤

Eggs Benedict is the name of a simple American breakfast. It's a simple dish made with poached eggs served with English muffins, bacon and Hollandaise sauce. It is very suitable for young people to DIY in the lazy morning, and adds a sense of ritual for life.



英式马芬(English muffin, split) 1个
培根(bacon slices) 2片
鸡蛋(eggs) 2只
蘑菇(mushroom) 2朵
生菜(lettuce) 2片
白醋(vinegar) 适量
黄油(butter) 50g
鸡蛋黄(egg yolks) 3个
盐(salt) 适量
黑胡椒粉(ground black pepper) 适量
柠檬(lemon) 1个
原味酸奶(yogurt) 1瓶
奇异果(kiwi) 1个
草莓(strawberry) 适量
葡萄(grape) 适量

Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法  

  1. 准备食材
    Prepare all the ingredients.

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第2张
  2. 将英式马芬对半切开后,每面涂抹上黄油。
    Cut the muffin in half and butter each side.

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第3张
  3. 将马芬放入平底锅中煎脆。
    Fry the muffins on all sides in the pan until they become crispy.

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第4张
  4. 平底锅中加入少量食用油,放入培根用中小火煎至微微焦黄并卷曲即可。
    Add a small amount of cooking oil to the e the bacon slices over a medium heat until hot and browned.

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第5张
  5. 放入切好的蘑菇翻炒,加入适量盐和酱油,炒至金黄色。
    Add the sliced mushrooms and stir-fry them with salt and soy sauce until golden brown.

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第6张
  6. 在汤锅中加入适量清水煮沸,加入少量盐和白醋,然后用勺子在锅内快速旋转,搅出漩涡。
    Bring some water to a boil and add the salt and vinegar. Then swirl thewater around in the pot with a spoon.

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第7张
  7. 制作半流动水波蛋:调至小火,把鸡蛋打入碗中然后将其滑入漩涡中央。鸡蛋随着水的旋转自动收拢,两至三分钟后捞起。注意:一次只放入一个鸡蛋,时间要控制好以免鸡蛋煮过火。
    Reduce the heat to a strong simmer. Break the egg into a bowl and slide it into the center of the swirl. Poach 2 to 3 minutes until done. Note: Add only one egg at a time, and keep it under control to avoid overcooking.

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第8张
  8. 将黄油放入锅内融化,用小火慢慢煮沸,表面浮起的白色泡沫撇去不要。沸腾两分钟后将融化的黄油盛出进行沉淀,得到上层的澄清黄油,取出待用。
    Melt the butter in a saucepan and bring to a slow boil over low heat, skimming off the white foam. Boil for 2 minutes. Remove melted butter to precipitate and gain the clarified butter for use.

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第9张
  9. 小锅煮水,沸腾后调至小火并保持冒小泡。分离三个鸡蛋黄放入不锈钢容器中,再挤入¼个柠檬的汁,然后悬空放在锅上用汽加热,同时用打蛋器快速地打,直到将打蛋器拿起来蛋黄酱汁形成一条较浓稠的丝为止。
    Boil water in a small pot, bring to a low heat and keep bubbling. Place 3 egg yolks in a stainless steel bowl and squeeze in ¼ lemon juice. Put the bowl suspended over the pot, whipping the mixture continuously until it is thick enough to leave a trail when the whip is removed.

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第10张
  10. 将温热的澄清黄油分多次一点点的加入打好的蛋黄中,同时用打蛋器快速地搅拌,搅拌均匀之后再继续加澄清黄油,重复操作至所有黄油融入到蛋黄酱中。
    Add the warm clarified butter to the egg yolk mixture a few drops at a time, while constantly whipping the mixture to form an emulsion. Continue until all the butter is incorporated.

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第11张
  11. 加入盐和黑胡椒粉调味,如果觉得酱汁太浓稠,可加入温水适当稀释。然后荷兰酱就完成啦!
    Season with salt and black pepper. If the sauce is too thick, dilute it with warm water. The Hollandaise sauce is done!

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第12张
  12. 摆盘:英式马芬切面向上,依次放上做好的培根片、蘑菇和切碎的生菜。放上水波蛋,淋上荷兰酱。
    Place the muffins on a plate and top with the bacon slices, mushrooms and chopped lettuce. Place an egg on each slice of bacon and cover with the Hollandaise.

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第13张
  13. 将酸奶倒入早餐杯中,加入切好的草莓,奇异果和葡萄,酸奶水果杯也迅速完成。
    Pour the yoghurt into abreakfast cup. Add the chopped strawberries, kiwi and grapes.

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第14张
  14. 香菜和柠檬加以装饰。一个简单易上手、精致富有仪式感的brunch就做好啦~
    Garnish with cilantro and lemon. A delicate eggs benedict brunch is served.

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第15张
  15. 附上做好的另一份brunch。

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第16张
  16. 合照认证!

    Eggs Benedict 简单美味的班尼迪克蛋brunch的做法图解 做法步骤 第17张


1. Eggs Benedict的做法十分灵活,可以有许多变式。火腿、虾、熏三文鱼等都可以替代培根;蔬菜根据个人喜好可以替换成菠菜、甘蓝等;难以买到英式马芬的话可以用法棍或土豆饼等来代替。恰到好处的水波蛋和荷兰酱,是班尼迪克蛋的核心。

2. 加热蛋黄时要避免容器接触到锅里的水,用蒸汽加热易于控制温度和酱汁形成的过程。做好的荷兰酱大约能保存1-1.5小时,所以要尽快食用。

3. 酸奶水果杯可以根据个人需求选择制作,水果选择自己喜欢吃的。


1. Few dishes inspire as many variations as Eggs Benedict. Serrano ham, shrimp or smoked trout may replace the bacon. Lettuce can be substituted with spinach, kale, etc. And anything from a Baguette to hash browns works in place of the muffin. As long as the dish includes expertly prepared poached eggs, hollandaise sauce and companionable ingredients, consider naming it Benedict.

2. When heating the yolks, the container should be kept from contacting with the bubbling water. Steam heating allows easy control of the temperature and the process of sauce formation. The Hollandaise sauce may be held for approximately 1 to 1.5 hours.

3. Yogurt fruit cup is optional. You can choose the fruits you like.

REFERENCE: Page 208 & 559 (Ch10: Stocks and Sauces. Ch20: Eggs and Breakfast) of the textbook On Cooking A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals, 5th Edition.

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