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Black Forest Cake 经济又好吃的黑森林蛋糕DIY小课堂好吃的烹饪方法 Black Forest Cake 经济又好吃的黑森林蛋糕DIY小课堂的地道做法和步骤

Black Forest Cake 经济又好吃的黑森林蛋糕DIY小课堂

Black Forest Cake 经济又好吃的黑森林蛋糕DIY小课堂的做法图解 做法步骤

原食谱来自面包甜点|烘焙食谱|Advanced Bread and Pastry page694 Black Forest Cake.


鸡蛋 3个
奶油 180克
可可粉 16克
低筋面粉 52克
糖粉 45克
黑樱桃罐头果肉 90g
罐头果汁 200g
白砂糖 27g
柠檬汁 3~4滴
装饰用黑巧克力 若干

Black Forest Cake 经济又好吃的黑森林蛋糕DIY小课堂的做法  

  1. 将蛋黄和蛋白分离,蛋黄中加入糖粉,蛋白加入砂糖打发至硬性发泡。Separate egg yolk and egg white. Add powdered sugar to egg yolk, and beat egg white with granulated sugar until stiff peaks form.

    Black Forest Cake 经济又好吃的黑森林蛋糕DIY小课堂的做法图解 做法步骤 第2张
  2. 将蛋白分三次与蛋黄混合,同时筛入可可粉和低筋面粉,搅拌均匀。Mix the egg whites with the egg yolks three times. Sift in the cocoa powder and the low gluten flour. Stir well.

    Black Forest Cake 经济又好吃的黑森林蛋糕DIY小课堂的做法图解 做法步骤 第3张
  3. 将混合物装入六寸蛋糕模具中,160℃预热后烤30~40分钟(这个时间根据自家烤箱的脾气灵活调整哈~)Put the mixture into a 6-inch cake mold, preheat the cake at 160℃ and bake for 30~40 minutes .

    Black Forest Cake 经济又好吃的黑森林蛋糕DIY小课堂的做法图解 做法步骤 第4张
  4. 将事先准备好的樱桃果肉切碎,与果汁和砂糖一起小火熬成果酱,适时挤入几滴柠檬汁。Chop the cherry pulp prepared in advance and cook it with juice and sugar over low heat until it becomes a jam. Squeeze in a few drops of lemon juice when appropriate.

    Black Forest Cake 经济又好吃的黑森林蛋糕DIY小课堂的做法图解 做法步骤 第5张
  5. 将烤好的蛋糕脱模,切片备用。Mold the baked cake and slice it for later use.

  6. 在蛋糕切片上刷一层樱桃果汁,铺上樱桃果酱和打发的鲜奶油作为夹层。Brush the cake slices with cherry juice, top with cherry jam and whipped cream as a topping.

    Black Forest Cake 经济又好吃的黑森林蛋糕DIY小课堂的做法图解 做法步骤 第6张
  7. 抹面,撒上准备好的黑巧克力屑。在表面挤几个奶油花,用黑樱桃装饰,一个六寸的黑森林蛋糕就完成啦!Squeeze a few creamy flowers on top and decorate with black cherries to create a six-inch black forest cake.

    Black Forest Cake 经济又好吃的黑森林蛋糕DIY小课堂的做法图解 做法步骤 第7张


1. 出于成本考虑,可以把樱桃换成罐头樱桃!(当然如果追求高品质的话忽略这条咳咳)
2. 黑巧克力和可可粉都还挺苦的,如果是爱吃甜的宝贝可以酌情多放点糖哈哈。

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