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红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot的详细做法大全,简单又营养的红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot做法

红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot

红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot的做法图解 红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot的做法步骤


这个是一个常见的湘菜菜肴,你可以在湘菜馆里见到这道菜。它用粉丝、辣椒、豆豉、甜酱再搭配小油菜烹制而成,然后你就可以拥有一个美味又简单的菜的文章" target="_blank" >下饭菜啦,试试吧。
This Glass Noodle recipe originated in Hunan Province and is a regular on their Restaurant menus. A spicy dish with Chilli and Bok Choy boiled in a hot pot with that special Glass Noodles texture; here you have a delicious easy no fuss meal to be enjoyed by everyone. Give it a try.


干红薯粉 200g 洗净用热水烫软控干水
青红辣椒 适量
葱、姜 适量
豆豉 1茶勺
甜面酱 1茶勺
老抽酱油 1茶勺
油、盐 适量
小油菜 4根

红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot的做法  

  1. 准备食材

    红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot的做法图解 红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot的做法步骤 第2张
  2. 中火,锅里倒入平时炒菜的油量,葱、姜、辣椒煸炒出香味后加入豆豉和甜面酱。

    红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot的做法图解 红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot的做法步骤 第3张
  3. 倒入红薯粉丝和老抽酱油。

    红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot的做法图解 红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot的做法步骤 第4张
  4. 加适量热水,锅开起来后将所有食材倒入一个砂锅里。

    红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot的做法图解 红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot的做法步骤 第5张
  5. 用中小火炖到汤汁收到粉丝膨胀水位下降到粉丝下面时加盐调味,就可以出锅了。出锅前加小油菜。

    红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot的做法图解 红薯粉丝煲 Glass Noodle Hotpot的做法步骤 第6张



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